Can telling the truth improve your mental health?

The most mental thing happened to my health. I started to notice it. Noticed I was bleeding, so I spirited it. Noticed I was grieving, so I asked why? Noticed I stopped moving……why? Because pain demands to be felt. Pain is the warning, something is wrong.

Sirens are blasting, the titanic is sinking. Blasting ready yourselves, danger is imminent. For a life as fragile as ours as delicately crafted as ours. For a life as beautifully suspended in free fall as ours. The difference between flying and falling is an unfortunate BANG!

Yet between this beautifully cursed suspended free fall called life. We live in chains and jails of our own making. Trust I get life is HARD! This is REAL LIFE difficulty after all. No manual, no instructions just vibes. Then BANG!

Before the bang, do you want a peaceful free fall or perhaps anxiety and stress are all part of breakfast?
If you want peace, protect your mind
Protect your mental health. The Bible gives the best advice when it says the truth will set you free.

There are so many tips and tricks to get anyone feeling like they are in the right mind state. However, none of them are effective for long without the power of telling the truth.

Start by telling yourself the truth of where you are in life right now. Good or bad just admit the things that come up, vet them and admit only the truth of them. Not your parents truth, or spouses truth but the truth of how whatever happened affects you.

Don’t dwell too much and get depressed (last year was a rather depressing year personally, so much death, I could have died. So much loss and it was so easy to spiral and just not want to do this life thing anymore. But after another death and all those memories hitting me I started writing how I’ve been feeling. I started asking myself what I want to do with this life I at times felt guilty for having. I kept asking and writing until I was writing solutions instead of issues. But in truth there were also a lot of tears to wash through before it started making any sense whatsoever) we are digging for the purpose of understanding and rationalising what happened to us. More importantly, we can’t solve any issue if we aren’t honest about the extent of the issue.

Once we begin to figure that for ourselves, we will start to see the pain as prompts for deeper healing. We can choose to take be useful with the pain or we can let it hurt. There is no right answer to grief but there is a right answer to grieving. That is to grieve honestly.

Feel the pain and let it guide us to deeper healing for a healthier life. Who knows, it might be nice to take off the anxiety and just enjoy the day for what it really is instead of what we fear it could become.

The mind can be a tricky place to play, but it’s yours so play with it. Understand it and do it only as you can do. As someone who has been doing my best to tell the truth or keep silent. Telling the truth has really saved my life.

If you’d like to try it, I suggest picking 3 things about yourself you can be honest about regardless of who you speak to. Pick 3 aspects of your life and just go on an honest rampage. Do this for only 1 week, and after those 7 days write down what changes you notice in yourself since you started telling the truth more intentionally.

I’d be really excited to read/hear from you on how this experiment will affect you but more than that I hope it blesses you to live life a little less stressed about the things we can’t control and a little more hands on, on the things we can control. Like seeking professional help, that is absolutely in your control and we should all be doing it.

Telling the truth can be beautiful like this ‘falls and yet when we feel like telling the truth it feels like falling from the waterfall

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